Conferences The Conference icon, as shown below, will take you to the Conference Center where you can manage your organization’s conference...
Adding Conferences You can create a new Conference Bridge by clicking Add Conference button as seen below, then filling out the fields...
Editing a Conference There may be times when you need to edit conferences. For example, you may want to change the leader or...
Deleting a Conference If you no longer need a conference bridge, you can delete it from the platform. From the Conferences page, hover...
Viewing Conference Statistics You can display historical information about your bridge. From the Conferences page, hover over the conference, and then click the...
Mid Conference Star Codes Here is a chart that indicates the mid-conference star codes. Action Description *6 Toggle Mute On/Off *71 Start Recording *73...
Joining a Conference There are several ways to join a conference. When joining, the platform prompts you for your password (either the leader...