To create a new Time Frame, click on the Add Time Frame button.
1. The Add a Timeframe box pops up where you can begin to create a new Time Frame.

2. When you create a new Time Frame, you assign a unique name to it and then specify one of the following times associated with the time frame.
Name – The Name field allows you to give the Time Frame a name that will help identify the rule. The name cannot be changed once the rule is created. If you want to change the name, delete the rule and recreate it under a new name.
Always – This option makes this rule always in effect – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Days of the Week and Times – Allows you to select the specific days of the week and the hours in the day you want the time frame to take effect. When selecting this option, the days of the week appear with a check box that allows you to select which days you would like the Time Frame active. Once selecting a day of the week, a blue bar appears allowing you to slide the ends to when you would like the time frame to stop and start. This is most commonly used to define office open hours such as Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm.
If you would like a break in the middle of the Time Frame, click the Plus sign, you will then see another blue bar appear representing when the Time Frame will take effect.

Setting Days of the Week and Times example:

Specific Dates or Ranges — Commonly used to define holidays or other special events such as the Fourth of July or a company closure. Use pop-up calendars to select the To and From dates when the time range will apply.
Setting Date Range example:

3. Hit the Save button.