Making a Call

1. On the main screen, click the red plus sign icon to display the white dial pad icon.

2. Click the dial pad icon to open the phone dialer view, where you can make a new call.

3. From the Phone Dialer window, dial the internal extension or external phone number of the person you want to contact.

When dialing, the top of the dial window shows autocomplete suggestions of other contacts with numbers that match the current dialing pattern.

4. When dialing is complete, press the green dial icon to begin the call.

Once the call is connected, a blue dialog box shows with added options you can perform while on an active call.

Tip: The SIP acronym that shows on the green dial icon stands for Session Initiation Protocol, which is used to initiate the voice call session.

You can also make a call directly from an individual contact profile.

1. From the left panel, click Contacts.

2. Find and click on the contact you want to call. The contact’s profile displays.

3. Press the phone icon to the right of the contact to start the call.

Updated on February 8, 2023

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