Call Center enables call center supervisors and office managers (with call center functionality enabled) to request emailed reports in a variety of formats and time windows. Advanced settings also allow you to pick a few of the most important statistics to be viewed prominently in the email body.
NOTE: The ‘PORTAL_CALL_QUEUE_MANAGER_EMAIL’ UI configuration parameter must be enabled to use the report email feature. Contact your Hosted Voice administrator for more information about UI configuration parameters.
To customize and schedule emailed reports:
- In the Reports section of the Call Center Supervisor dashboard, click the drop-down arrow on the Reports button.
- Select Email Reports. The Email Reports dialog box displays with the Basic tab selected.

The Email Reports dialog box lets you select the type of report you want to generate, as well as how often you want to generate and email the report. On the Basic tab, you select the type of report and how often you want the report emailed. When you select one or more report types, the Advanced tab displays for you to customize the information you want to show in the report.
NOTE: When you schedule a report to generate, the report will include data up to the time that the email is sent.
On the Basic tab, complete the following email report options:

Click Next to go the Advanced tab.
On the Advanced tab, each report type you select will be generated and emailed based on the report frequency options set.

Complete the following options on the Advanced tab and then click Save to schedule the report:

The generated Call Center report is emailed based on the frequency requested.