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  3. Working with Agent Call Queues

Working with Agent Call Queues

The MY QUEUES section of the Call Center Agent dashboard displays a list of Call Queues to which an agent is currently assigned. Use this section to see important activity detail for each queue and to log in and out of individual queues.

Viewing Agent Call Queues

You can view the current availability status for each assigned queue. This information shows next to each Call Queue Name and is indicated by a colored circle.

  • Green circle = Indicates an agent is available for calls in the queue.
  • Red circle = Indicates an agent is unavailable for calls in the queue. An agent may be unavailable because they are already on an active call, or because their agent status is not set to ‘Online.’

The following table describes each column in the MY QUEUES section:

Logging In and Out of Individual Call Queues

Call Center agents that are in multiple queues can log in and out of individual call queues to which they have been assigned.

To log out of a queue:

  • Click on the Login/Logout button

Within a few seconds, the system will log you out of that specific call queue, and you are no longer available to answer calls in that queue. Once you are logged out, the indicator circle turns red.

NOTE: After you click Login/Logout, all call queues may become unavailable for a few seconds. This is because the system is processing and will redisplay with the correct status.

  • To log back into a specific queue, press the same Login/Logout button.

Once you are logged in, the indicator circle turns green, and you are now available to answer calls in that queue.

Updated on May 21, 2021

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